Change Comes with Belief

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What Will it Take for Us to Change when we Admit things are Not Going Well—R Fritz

When things are not going well for us and we cannot see a way out of a situation we are in, what shall we do? I feel bad when people come to me and tell me they are in a battle and struggle. I have been there many times and have won those battles. I struggle more with people I know struggling and how I can help them. The battles I have are different than other people, we all are in different places in our walk with Jesus and came with different baggage than others. Sometimes I have fought the battle longer than most people but never gave up. God saw the battle I was trying to overcome and sees the battle each of us is in.

Eventually, we come to a point where we cannot do what we have been doing anymore. It gets too hard for us to do because we have been trying to overcome our issues the best way we know. This is where God wants us to be. God does not want us to fail, we fail because we are trying to overcome with our wisdom or experiences and get to that point. This is the point where we see we cannot do it anymore and ask God to take over our battle. Matthew 11:28-30 says and this is Jesus, speaking “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” When we have had enough is when the Holy Spirit can teach us. We need to get beaten down to come to our senses and give up control.

We want to control our outcome because that is what we know. We try to remember what worked in the past and try and use that again. We have to understand our past is not our future. The Holy Spirit is our future and his wisdom and listening will take us where the Holy Spirit wants us to go. We just need to hang on till answers come. 2 Corinthians 12: 9 says and this is Jesus answering Paul says And he said unto me, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for in strength is made perfect in weakness.” Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. It is hanging on to the belief Jesus is the real deal and trusting him because we are used to seeing things accomplished whereas, with God, we see the results show up suddenly. It has to happen in the spirit first then appears for us to see. 

I just had an opportunity to talk to somebody who had texted me talking about them helping a lot of people but still having the same issues themselves and the battles and could not understand why they were in the same place personally and really down about being where they were. The battles I have gone through give me the wisdom to give the same advice I received from the Holy Spirit. This was when we get down so far that we finally say to God “I cannot do it anymore, God you need to take whatever issue we have from me.” These words were the words

God wants to hear. This is what I told this person “You are not surrendered, now when you are beaten down, you need to tell God you have had enough.” This person came back with a prayer, one of the best ones I have heard giving it all to God. I said, “The Holy Spirit now has who he can mold into who he wants with your personality, a surrendered person.” When we admit we cannot do it anymore and give our lives to God through the Holy Spirit we are surrendered. There will probably be more than one time when we will have to give up something in our lives and surrender that. That is what I had to do and a process where we once and for all do not have to struggle with that issue. It starts with us seeing we cannot do it ourselves.

Every day before we get up in our prayers should be a time to reflect on yesterday but at the same time give those issues to God and pray for people and to use us for God’s glory this day at hand. The Holy Spirit wants to teach us to listen and know when he is speaking to us. His sheep know his voice. John 10:4-5 says, and this is Jesus speaking, “And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: and they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.” We learn the Holy Spirit’s voice and the words spoken if they line up with scripture. Satan also knows scripture but I have learned that Satan speaks scripture and leaves out words or changes words. I have caught Satan where scripture was changed or words missing and told him “I caught you.”

Truth to people has room for our interpretation and how we see it. God’s truth is absolute and will be exactly as God wants it to be. We can disagree with God but that is not too smart. We might not like what God says or shows us but it is what is best for us. Not wanting to hear God’s truth is “Fear” of that truth. It comes down to our decision whether we accept what God says or not. If we are praying, many times people ask God for exactly what they want. God does not always give people what they want. He gives us what we need. We prayed for this and do not know God gave us something else. We then say “God you did not answer my prayer” In truth, he did answer we have not seen what we were given because we were looking for something else.

When God sends somebody to speak to us, we again have a choice to believe in this person or not believe. What I do is listen to what somebody says to me but keep it in my mind waiting on the Holy Spirit to show me if it is true. God has shown me through many different people, people who do not even know God, answer immediately what I am trying to accomplish. Sometimes I trust what somebody says because I need a decision immediately and see it as spiritually true.

The truth is when we are going through something for a long time it is always wise to question the Holy Spirit and to look around and ask and look for our answers. God uses everything to speak to us. We need to “admit” we need help for God to help us. He will not force us to do anything. God Bless.

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