God lets us Choose the Easy Way or the Hard Way—R Fritz
When we chose Jesus, he accepted us the way we were there was no requirements before we choose him, as we received that love and the Holy Spirit we were asked to repent (turn from) our sinful ways. We did that because we loved Jesus as our savior and our situation, or our life changed. That is our reason we chose Jesus because of our life and our family would be better off. Jesus was our hope to start with and we took a chance that he was real. It was us starting to hear what Jesus did from other people and then believing it would happen to us. When we read the Bible, we also see what God did for his people and then see what he will do for us.
At some point in our walk our issues we have will have to be dealt with. I know people who refused to deal with their issues and are still living with that issue. Sometimes when we make that decision to stay where we are it is for life. The problem is when we choose to stay there, God lets us, we will not move on with other issues until we chose to deal with this one. What I found out was when the Holy Spirit brings up our issues it is time to deal with it now. The first time I said to the Holy Spirit that I was not ready to do what was asked, then a couple of months later I was asked again if I could change, my answer was not yet. The third time I said yes. The Holy Spirit brought up the next issue which also asked if I could do what was asked, again I could not, and the Holy Spirit would come back a month later. What I saw was I needed to do what was asked the first time, what I felt was that I was way out of my comfort zone and felt ten feet off the ground. I learned that what was asked I would somehow do as my trust level grew. Philippians 4:6-7 says “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” That got me to a level where the Holy Spirit could use me and gave me confidence. This was to change my past into the person that could become who God wanted me to become. That got me to a place where I could grow at a slower pace. That is doing what God wants the easy way.
To keep living our issue day after day week after week sounds like insanity but people keep doing it. We do not look at it as we know what we have dealt with, and fear keeps us where we are because of our lack of trust in the Holy Spirit. We believe we know what is best for us and apparently are not trusting the Holy Spirit. Proverbs 26:11 says, “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly (foolishness).” Dogs go back to their vomit because the second time is as good as the first. That is what we do if when the Holy Spirit shows us something that is better than what we have done for years we go back to what we know which is foolish. We know what we have but we will not trust something new, that is why we keep doing what we know. What we do not understand is when I chose the easy way most people choose the hard way where we are forced to change. Sometimes because things happen to us, we do not have a choice because of circumstances beyond our control. When we are forced to change this is the hard way without a good choice.
When I chose the easy way that was not always easy for myself being out of my comfort zone. It is always about trusting the Holy Spirit and overcoming fear. If we can do both we have come to a spot in our life where we have surrendered and the Holy Spirit and we have become one. I learned years later that I had something from my past that was not taken care of. Something I saw but the Holy Spirit waited for me to deal with it. I told the Holy Spirit I wanted to deal with it immediately and one of the hardest things I did but it was the easy way where the Holy Spirit helped me deal with it with a friend also helping. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Those that think they cannot do things have just found out they can do “all” things through Christ. That is also the way if I feel something does not feel right, I say to the Holy Spirit “if there is something that needs to change, let’s do it right now, not tomorrow but right now.” Being able to deal with things immediately means it would be easier to deal with.
God has a plan for each one of us to succeed. There is also a plan to be all we were meant to be. There are few who want God’s plan in their life because it requires change and the surrender of our will. Most just keep doing what they always have done. God is looking for those that want more. It is not necessarily an easy life. It is a blessed life with a good relationship with the Holy Spirit, it calls for doing what is asked of us, things not in our comfort zone. That is something everyone that is a follower of Jesus should do. Matthew 16:24-26 says, and this is Jesus speaking Then said Jesus unto his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works,” Jesus says that whoever follows him if he loses his life for him shall gain it through Jesus. We can gain everything in this world and lose our soul. When Jesus comes back those that obeyed him shall be rewarded according to their works.
The easy way or the hard way we chose the path. We should learn our lesson the easy way gets us to where the Holy Spirit wants us. If we choose the hard way, we can get to God’s plan it will take longer but do not give up. As I learned through God’s understanding and wisdom we will overcome. Choose your way. God Bless.