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Are there Consequences for not Following or Obeying God? — R Fritz

One of the stories I remember in the Bible when we talk about consequences is Jonah who was in the belly of a whale. Why did Jonah end up in the belly of a whale? The answer Jonah tried to run away from God because God had something for Jonah to do, he knew the consequences but chose to run away from God. God told him he was supposed to go to Ninevah and speak to the people. God sent a great wind into the sea to change his direction to come back. He was thrown in the sea and the whale swallowed Jonah and was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights. Jonah prayed to get out of the belly of the whale. The word of the Lord came back to Jonah to do a second time and this time he went to Nineveh to preach what the Lord had told him. Jonah knew who had spoken to him but chose to disobey God, he knew God and saw what was happening around him but did not own up to his failure until the people around him were in a death situation which forced Jonah to act. We must remember our decisions have consequences we do not necessarily see or know if God had his hands on the outcomes we have.

Although we might not end up in the belly of a whale does not mean God has not pushed us to do what is right. I can say there were times that I did not do what I was supposed to do and there were some consequences, when mistakes are made repentance changes situations, the Holy Spirit looks at our heart and grace is applied. Acts 17:30 says “And the times of this ignorance God winked (overlooked) at; but now commanded all men everywhere to repent:” One thing I can tell you was I did not want to write about what the Holy Spirit wanted me to write one time. I was told I would write what the Holy Spirit wanted, or I would not write at all. It comes down to my words that come from the Holy Spirit, or I had nothing to write about. I have learned that if I do not do what I am told it will not go away just like Jonah. Now there is no question about what I am told and that becomes automatic for me to do what I am told with no questions. God has a plan for us, and he wants us to go through it. One thing I learned was God’s plan to overcome our past is how God expects us to follow, in my case I saw what God wanted me to do to overcome fear. It was hard for me to do the things I was supposed to do as my walk was two steps forward three steps back then three steps forward one step back going forward and back and finally making progress forward in overcoming fear. It is moving out of our comfort zone more and more until we overcome in my case fear. It was in a place where I felt ten feet off the ground, way out of my comfort zone. The Holy Spirit was the piece of the puzzle that would change what was happening to help me down the road to overcome fear. It was Bible verses on fear that changed me, but I could not overcome completely then one day I got the verses to stop fear immediately. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” The answer was to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Jesus. Our thoughts must obey Jesus immediately. Knowing that our thoughts must obey, especially fear which operates in the thoughts was a life changer for me. If we are studying in the Bible, we will know what is needed because the Holy Spirit will tell us.

God is not about punishment; he is about showing us we made the wrong decision. It is learning to look for the Holy Spirit to give us the answer as we are going through the day. It is about trust and believing in our thoughts. It is knowing the decision we make can hurt us physically or mentally. The Holy Spirit wants to teach us to lean on him where answers come as we are speaking. I get answers as I am speaking to people, information comes where I see the words. That might not be where we are yet. It has taken me over twenty years, you it might take only ten years or less for others. It is being the student all our life and finding our answers reading the Bible, going through experiences, sometimes struggling. It is praying and asking the questions of the Holy Spirit knowing the Holy Spirit is looking after us. It is getting what is best for us, not necessarily what we are looking for or what we want when the Holy Spirit decides when it is best for us. The thing we forget is we think we know what is best because we have made it through life in good shape so far. We chose Jesus to change what was going on in our life, we just must follow Jesus like we said we would do. Even when we make the wrong decision we can turn to the Holy Spirit where his grace and mercy abound.

A couple of weeks ago a person I know died. I was talking to a friend where I asked, “why would God send me to save this person from death and this person die four years later,” as soon as I asked the question the answer come immediately from the Holy Spirit. The answer was “this person needed to straighten out their life before death.” They were given four years to straighten out their life, we can call it grace. The Holy Spirit did not say if this person made it to the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit seals where we go eternally. 2 Corinthians 1:20-22 says “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Now he which established us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God, who hath sealed us, and given the earnest (down payment) of the Spirit in our hearts.” This is why we will be judged by our heart because the Holy Spirit lives in his people in our heart.

Our actions show our heart and if we are surrendered to the Holy Spirit. Following or obeying God is about love. John 14:15 says and this is Jesus’ speaking “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”  Our love to God shows through our actions. Show our love to God blessings will follow. God Bless.

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