God is in Control

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Who is in Control of Our Life—R Fritz

We choose who is in control of our life after we are on our own. We get to look back when our parents were in control and see how it compares to us. That comparison must compare our responsibilities and how they changed. We as kids do not understand responsibility, it is “fly by the seat of our pants” for a time in our life which is a way to learn some things about life. We must make decisions in our life by what we know at the time. Looking back at our younger years were with freedom, fun and not knowing the things that could happen to us. Those years were our time with freedom, our definition of freedom which is doing what we want when we want. Eventually complete freedom gets us into trouble because we need some rules to keep us safe. That is God’s plan for us to have some rules with us enjoying our life. That is us living our life without God with us using our wisdom as well as finding out what we need from others. 1 Corinthians 3:18-20 says “Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.” Compared to God our wisdom is foolishness, which is why we look for something else. We find out at a time in our life that things now are not working out as we wanted because life changes, but we do not. This is us doing what we know best when issues come up, we begin to see there is a better way.

Here comes Jesus as we hear people tell us how their life has changed. We decide to make Jesus our savior by our words and then decide to give Jesus a chance as we hear more as we believe maybe Jesus can help us, but we are not all in yet. We must believe and gain faith in Jesus because he will not leave us or forsake us. When things get tuff, it is time to “press in” and get closer to Jesus as the Holy Spirit shows us what faith will do for us. It is the confidence we get that we can overcome anything that takes us through to the next issue. When we understand that we do not have to go anywhere to find God because the Holy Spirit lives in us we have discovered the most important part of our relationship with God. That understanding should give us a reason and the simplicity of what we just found out about a life-changing answer to how we treat the Holy Spirit. Galatians 2:20 says “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” What I have found is to treat God as we would like to be treated and understanding he is God; somebody really special who knows everything and can be everywhere at the same time. God does the impossible where he uses people that do not necessarily know him well or at all. God knows what we are capable of, he knows everything about us, our likes, and dislikes. The Holy Spirit puts us in the place we need to be and at the right time. Jeremiah 1:4-7 says “Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak for I am a child. But the LORD said unto me, say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.” God ordained us to speak whatsoever he tells us before we were born. God’s plan is already in process, we just need to follow it.

That plan we do not know until the Holy Spirit becomes a part of us. The plan gets clearer as we surrender our will then we operate with the Holy Spirit. I have found out things as I was seeing the medical things happening to somebody as I was talking to them. Things as I am thinking about now that could look like a heart attack. At the time that it happened I heard things that do not make sense as this person had surgery on their throat, and stomach. This person asked me to have pie at a restaurant which I do not normally eat but I said I would. After eating their pie this person said they did not feel good and went to the bathroom. I told them if they did not come back in five to ten minutes, I would check on them. I was starting to get uneasy when this person left, and I started to pray and within five minutes this person texted me they were ok. When they came back, they felt a little better and we left and went back to their business. They sit down and tell me their shoulder hurts and they do not feel right. Suddenly, I heard “enough” and started praying aloud and take authority over this person’s health and the spirits that were affecting them, they felt better then they decided to go home. I had other plans that I had to take care of, and a while later got a text from them that “thanked me for my prayers and said they felt fine like nothing happened and even shoulder muscle pains were gone.” They also said, “no kidding.” My response was “thank God he took care of you.”  We can change people’s lives with the Holy Spirit.

What was revealed to me was just the Holy Spirit has authority over the spirit realm, those that the Holy Spirit resides in, and the Holy Spirit given control in us have authority over the spirits and they must listen and obey. If we take authority without having authority, the spirits might obey but they do not have to. We wonder why our prayers are not answered or our family has mental or physical issues that God has the answers and is right before us. There are many people that ask for prayers. I pray for these people, but it is time we understood that the same Holy Spirit in me is in them that have given their life, obeyed, and surrendered to the Holy Spirit. There are no shortcuts, we must pay the price, listen always and study God’s ways. Our God wants the best for us, it requires our time, and our best not just the leftover time we have. The leftovers are just a slap in the face for our God. Our God has given us his best, pay attention, be the person who lives to be God’s disciple. God needs all the help he can get, be that person. God Bless.           

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