Does the word Quit exist in our Life—R Fritz
The word quit means to give up. Should we give up? Is, that what God wants in our life? We need to look at what we are trying to accomplish if it lines up with our life with God. Too many people give up before we really see what God has for us. If God has given us a mission to do, he will not let us fail. We will not fail because God has his hand on that mission. I have been on some missions God sent me on and did what was asked of me and saw through my eyes that it looked like I had failed. I believed what I saw but I did not see what happened after I left with this person. The Holy Spirit told me the next morning that I did not fail with a phone call from somebody with this person. The Holy Spirit made sure I knew the mission was accomplished. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” We will reap what we sow as God will give us what we have coming in due time if we do not give up.
God did not mean for us to give up or quit, it is not in our DNA. We were given perseverance or endurance as qualities given for believers. That is because we are following Jesus for years and through our life many things happen to us. Some physical or mental issues are for a lifetime so we must endure or persevere. If we give up on these issues, we die, or our life is adversely affected. Giving up is why suicide comes upon people and their thoughts because they have tried what they believe everything and have nothing else left for them to try. This is the flawed thinking that comes from trying to endure whatever issue we are fighting without the Holy Spirit giving us wisdom and understanding for the battles we are in, unless we are fighting our battles without the Holy Spirit that lives in us. James 1:12 says “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” The Lord has promised if we endure, we will receive the crown of life.
Without the relationship with the Holy Spirit, we fall on ourselves or man to give us wisdom and that is why we fail because we listen to people telling us what has happened to them. I am not discounting people’s stories what God did for them because God uses people to give messages to people, but God does not do the same thing for the same issues always. We must listen to the Holy Spirit who will show us how we are to react using what the Holy Spirit gives us to do. We are not going to quit or give up if we are in a close relationship with the Holy Spirit. It is when we are down or have many issues going on in our life and do not have any answers we start thinking about alternatives to our issues, these alternatives come from Satan who so smoothly speaks to us with us accepting these thoughts as ours. We must be careful because Satan tries to fool us into believing he is God. That is where the Holy Spirit comes in to show us who is speaking to us, and we are taught how to know those to whom we are talking. It is a process where we learn to listen and use our senses because God sharpens our senses abilities and that is my prayer. Sometimes we will see things spiritually, or by smell or we hear things that somebody else does not.
Our issues or baggage that was brought with us when we chose Jesus at some point in our life will have to be taken care of. We can put it off or we might not even know it exists, but our past will come back into our view. The difference now is we have God to show us the way to deal with our issues. We need to ask God for his help. Matthew 7:7-8 says and this is Jesus speaking “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” God gives us what he knows we need. We are not on our own, we now can have the answer to all problems, it is us having that relationship with the Holy Spirit that gives us the advantage to overcome our past. We build on what we know with the things we do not know coming from the Holy Spirit at the proper time for us to get the proper outcome. This is not God just getting rid of our problems it is that relationship where together with the Holy Spirit we are given the opportunity to team with the Holy Spirit and people to help us get through our issues to move to a higher level with God and become who we were meant to be. It is our decision, and it is all up to us whether we will walk with God and receive more responsibility with him.
After that decision is made, the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom as we walk through what needs for us to do. I have been through this procedure with issues from my past a few times. Fear was one of my issues, an issue I had most of my life. It was not an overnight issue to overcome. Romans 5:3-5 says “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience, and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” It took me years but with my perseverance and trust in the Holy Spirit, I was able to conquer fear. That does not mean it does not come at me, it means I know it through my senses and knowledge taught me by the Holy Spirit and spiritual sight when it is attacking me and diffuse it. Conquering fear was not easy for me, my attitude was I was going to beat it, it required me to change, sometimes quickly, other times took time. The Holy Spirit was patient with me but pushed sometimes. The tools I needed were given to me when I needed them such as Bible verses. The words quit or to give up were not in my vocabulary, it was to keep walking forward, that does not mean sometimes I took two steps forward and three steps back or one step forward two steps back. It was my goal to keep moving forward and if we keep doing that we will succeed. You must have a goal or a need to be able to overcome ourselves or our thoughts. Something must move us because we have too much that wants to stop us. The forces of evil exist, and we must know that we will overcome them. It is an attitude that nothing will stop us from overcoming and putting us with the Holy Spirit.
Our goal should be to “Never Give Up” on anything. Our Father in heaven is waiting for each of us to speak up and claim our destiny. Eternal life is our goal, grasp the help God has given us through the Holy Spirit. Do not QUIT on what is ours through God. Take the help before us. God Bless.