Our Mission Should We choose to Accept It

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Everyday Provides a Mission God Wants to Send us on—R Fritz

God wants to use us everyday of our life. We must be open to that concept. We do not understand that God is looking for who wants to be used. We must want God to use us and show him through our words and then our actions we will follow what God asks us. If we follow the Holy Spirit, it becomes second nature because he will show us the way. Our day might be as little as talking to somebody to pick up their attitude or provide them with positive words or tell them a story about how the Holy Spirit changed our attitude before we left home. Some of the first moments that God used me was to pray for the other people who had bigger roles. One thing I saw and learned was there is no small or unimportant role with God.

Prayer, which I thought at the time was small, was just as important as any other role because when we fight a spiritual fight we need prayer for all things to work. Eventually God needed for me to take a bigger role. That is the same for each of us. It must be us wanting to have a bigger role and speaking our want to the Holy Spirit. It is us praying more because we will need that because Satan knows exactly that we have been doing for God. Satan knows our every move and what our shortcomings are. Familiar spirits are around us and Satan throws fear and doubt at us so we think we cannot do the things God has for us.

We now see the battle we are in with Satan throwing his arsenal of tools to stop us. We might think that I am showing us a losing battle. What I am showing us is what the battle looks like through my eyes, both spiritual and normal. We have weapons on our side with our God being in control. Our weapons are not carnal for spiritual warfare. Corinthians 10:4-5 says (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” This verse is one of our weapons to win a spiritual battle. Our thoughts must come into obedience of Jesus.

Prayer is one of the biggest weapons because it changes our outcome. Any outcome must happen in the Spirit before it can happen in the flesh. Remember God is a Spirit and we must worship in spirit. John 4:23-24 says “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him in spirit and in truth.”  There is only one way to speak to God through the Holy Spirit, it is spirit to spirit. That is the Holy Spirit, a Spirit, through our spirit by prayer or speech. It does not require somebody else to be the go between such as a pastor. We have a one on one with God through the Holy Spirit.

When we want God to act, it requires us to call on him, God sees what is going on in our life but “we” must call on him. Psalms 145:18-20 says “The LORD is nigh (near) unto all them that call upon him, To all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them. The LORD preserveth all them that love him: But all the wicked will he destroy.” When we call on God it is an expectation he will come to our rescue and help us in our time of need. It says we must call on God in truth, but we know the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. The Holy Spirit knows the truth so when we ask for something the Holy Spirit knows our needs and our reason for asking.

Our mission is us going through our day with us knowing when God has a particular goal in mind. This is where we follow God’s lead. John 16:13 says and this is Jesus speaking “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” The Holy Spirit will show us things to come. After a while we see and spiritually know when the Holy Spirit puts us in a place to talk or whatever mission God has us to perform for him. Sometimes it is about taking my time to speak to somebody instead of being in a hurry. There are times when I see or know when I go and do the things that I need to do, people are brought in my path just to make these people feel better about themselves.

When we have a relationship with the Holy Spirit that gives us the ability to think outside of the box. The term to think out of the box happens with the Holy Spirit giving us the ability to see more of what is going on around us spiritually. We think differently and therefore act differently because of our insight. That insight goes to every person who has the Holy Spirit. Most people do not know that because their relationship with the Holy Spirit has not gotten to that point. This insight goes for all aspects of our life, whether we are working or on vacation. Vacations are the best time to get a better relationship with the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we want to leave all our life at home when we get away. When we bring the Holy Spirit along and involve the Holy Spirit in our vacation, we will have one of the best vacations we ever had, that is what I found from my experiences. That does not mean the Holy Spirit will tell or force us to go where he wants us to go. When God uses us on vacation it will come as we are doing our own thing. The Holy Spirit will make our vacation better than we can do ourselves.

The Holy Spirit is with us and lives inside us. The Holy Spirt can enhance our life in everything we do. We chose Jesus and the Holy Spirit because we knew they would change our life. Let the Holy Spirit do what we chose in all aspects of our life to keep us on that narrow road, that path to eternal life with Jesus. God Bless.  

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