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Prayer the Tool to see if We are serious about getting God’s Attention—R Fritz

If we are serious about praying for somebody, it will show how serious we are about our prayers. There are no set ways to pray, no particular words that need to be spoken. Prayers should come from our hearts. I am going to ask the question “if we actually gave it much thought what it would take to get God’s attention to answer our prayers.” We have probably not given it much thought. I am going to say in my case after giving it some thought, we have done what we think and have fallen short of the glory of God. When we did not get results, we kept doing the same until we found somebody who had results in God answering their prayers, but instead of finding out what this person believes the reason God answers their prayers, we ask if this person will pray for us or people we know. The problem is this person that prays and gets results is swamped with phone calls and cannot get his needs taken care of.

The answer is to ask what this person does so that God answers them and better yet take that information and find and get God’s attention ourselves. What I have found is that the relationship with the Holy Spirit that I talk about a lot is the key because the Holy Spirit teaches us all things. What I have found is our obedience is the key to God answering us. If you are living life and only giving God our time only when we truly need him, you must think you can live without him. We have to live a life of righteousness with God and at least have a conversation or some acknowledgment from us. Daniel 9:3-4 says “And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and supplications, with fasting and sackcloth, and ashes: And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments; We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and from thy judgments:” This is Daniel praying and seeking God knowing that he was going to do things that most people were not doing such as fasting, the sackcloth and ashes was a show of humility also we have to love God and keep his commandments. These were all actions shown by Daniel with his words matching.

That means we pray about ourselves and our family each and every day and proves that our words spoken to God are judged by our actions or inactions. God looks at

our motives and our heart, they show everything in who we are whether asking for needs or asking for things we wish for and our thoughts and why we ask for the things we do. If you are thinking about what God wants us to do or putting God first and ourselves second which is humility you “will” see results.

What I have seen is prayers about people that I have disagreed with on subjects in the Bible were answered the next time I saw that person when I saw their understanding changed and they agreed with what I had said. My prayer was God would show them their error or my error. This has happened many times, I am doing God’s business and God wants things to be righteous. When we look out for what God wants and most days you think of God first you are in alignment with him.

In other words, our prayers are hindered by ourselves or disobedience. We need to look at ourselves to see if we are righteous and holy. James 5:16 says “Confess your faults, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Righteousness makes a difference. It also means when God shows us that we need to change we agree and let God change us instead of fighting him. Change has happened both ways for me but I am going to say that when God shows me something that needs to change agreeing to that change and letting God be God is always easier and shows God, that you trust him.

Trust is praying for somebody or ourselves and putting that situation before God. Sometimes our prayers are heard but God knows what is best and the situation is changed to something else because of the will of the person you are praying for. We are trying in a lot of situations to stay the same with no change. This could be a forced change by God for the people we are praying for or it could be their time on earth is up. Sometimes my prayers have taken a month or two. It is still asking God by talking and expecting an answer or conversation with God. We have to be serious. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 says “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.” This does not say to pray for a specified time and give up. It says keep on praying until you get an answer.

This is the problem with people praying, they give up way too easily, it might require praying for an hour or more to get an answer, which shows God we are serious. We are tested by God to see our reactions to things that happen in our life. Prayer can find direction in our life. Prayer gives strength in our relationship with God and trust.

A prayer is a tool given by God to communicate with him. It should be used by everybody. I have never heard of prayer classes or have not heard of people asking how some people are gifted to pray or how some people God answers promptly. For myself, I have studied God’s ways, and character, and have been the person who wrote about whatever subject the Holy Spirit gives me to put on my computer. These are some of the things that have gotten God’s attention from me. Spending time praying and the few times I do not go to sleep right away I start praying and fall asleep in a short time. Building a relationship with God through the Holy Spirit is up to each person, it is a choice we all make every day. That choice will change if we get in some trouble in life.

Get right with God and work on our relationship to get God’s attention. Ask people who hear God what they do that God answers their prayers. It sometimes is good to ask people to pray for us but we need to be able to fight our own battles.  My point is what works for me might not work for you, prayer is a personal thing between God and us. God Bless.                             

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