We can try to Help Somebody but they Choose their Direction—R Fritz
People ask for wisdom from me on issues they are going through. They have a choice if they follow what is spoken to them. Sometimes I text something with a Bible verse and let them read and let the Holy Spirit deal with their situation, sending a bible verse is the way I like to manage a lot of situations. Usually, they will call me in a day or two to tell me they went somewhere where somebody had a conversation where the Holy Spirit spoke through somebody to give them some perspective on their issue. My job is to pray for them expecting a breakthrough with their issue because that is the only tool, I have for them. It is a tool that works for me many times. I must trust God because that is what he wants me to do. This is one of the situations going on with people around me. I get so many situations where my only option is to pray some nights till, I fall asleep. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” We are to pray without stopping, that is not for just for a few people but for everybody. It could be the reason people do not receive their answer, when things get hard, we stop.
My experiences are what I see as the answer to people’s issues, I can tell them how I overcome similar issues, but they must fight their way through their issues. Sometimes people do not listen or choose not to do anything, and it comes back, and we go through the same issue again. Sometimes they do not understand, or the timing is not right. Sometimes it is me learning patience or showing compassion to them in their time of need. It gets back to them finally making the correct decision.
Sometimes it is personal to me, and I am drawn into the battle. A few instances I fight battles trying to help people and it just does not go well. I must think out of the box and try something else to see if God wants me to do it a different way. When God says for us to trust him but does not give us the exact way to do something, we go the way we believe we should go with our experience. When we have tried many things, we start looking for answers sometimes I ask God for certain people to call me. What I find is some of these people call me shortly after I ask God for their help. These people I know have a special relationship with God. We might know people like that. It is like we are stuck and do not see something going on and they give us their perspective or what God is showing them to break up the logjam going on in our life helping somebody. Sometimes the answer is me stepping back from the situation and to let God to take over. That is where I am now, feeling beat up from giving all with other people also needing something. We keep battling and praying and, in some cases, we have done all we could and need to give it to God to change the situation or person. Some situations we must pray for ourselves and get help from the Holy Spirit.
We forget to pray for ourselves, that is something in the heat of battle we forget and that includes myself. We can pray for everybody but were not taught the things we take to require us to look at who is taking care of us spiritually. Our prayer for us is for God to watch our backside because we are focused on other people. We need to learn to look at the Holy Spirit for wisdom or when we are in a battle to be able to see spiritually which is a three hundred sixty-degree view of what we are looking at, that is what spiritual gives us. All we must do is ask the Holy Spirit if we want to learn or be involved in spiritual situations. You might think it cannot be that easy, but I can tell you it is because that is what I do. We must be ready for us to see and be involved in whatever happens with people so I have learned that we need to be ready for whatever we need to go through will teach us what God wants us to learn to become who he wants us to become. It is always what God wants because he is not going lead us astray. John 14:12-14 says, and this is Jesus speaking “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” We need to believe in God because we will be able to do greater things because we will follow Jesus as he followed the Father. That is why he will give us what we ask for because we ask for the things we need and not the things we want.
Satan has schemes prepared for us; he knows our past he knows what it will take to do things God does not want us to do. He creeps into our life without us even knowing it has happened or he creeps into our house unaware, or he preys on our feelings. Satan will see where we are the weakest and slowly become part of us usually it is in our mind where thoughts are easy to manipulate getting us to believe words, we think are our own, but they are untruths or lies, (counterfeit), because that is who Satan is. Satan uses people for his schemes where everything looks real through Satan’s deception because we only look in the flesh and not spiritually where the Holy Spirit shows us the truth. Ephesians 6:10-12 and says “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles (schemes) of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” These verses explain our enemy is not people it is spirits, spirits who are manipulating people, wicked spirits who are against anybody who has anything to do with God.
We sometimes go through hell to help people, that perseverance is why God asks us to be his servant who does not give up. God wants to take those fighters to the next level, one where he puts us in a place to be who we were meant to be, one where he will say “well done good and faithful servant.” God Bless.