Faith In Christ Jesus

Jesus is the answer.

Our Mission Is Simple:

We believe that the Bible is the true and inherent Word of God. Every letter and every word has been supernaturally engineered from outside of our time domain with explicit instructions as to how we are to live life. In other words, the Holy Bible is the blue print to life. We believe that God is doing a work in this world where He is inspiring and spiritually indwelling simple everyday people to share His word and get the Gospel out to the world.

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God Listens, Do We?

Are we Listening to God or are we Doing our Own Thing—R Fritz

What I have been seeing is going to do the things that I need to do and meeting people where it is almost impossible to meet this person if God did not have his hand involved as I have gone to do just my business. This kind of thing happens many times in a couple of weeks. To meet somebody where our plan is to go to one area seems impossible but there is nothing impossible for God. If we are listening to the Holy Spirit, we see impossible things. Luke 1:35, 37 says” And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore, also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. For with God nothing shall be impossible.” This verse says it all with God nothing will be impossible. That is why I bring the Holy Spirit into my decisions because the result is what the Holy Spirit wants it to be. We are putting ourselves in God’s hands, which is scary to most people, I see it as the best place for me to be.

That is because I trust the Holy Spirit with my life. Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” We need to think outside of the box, I do not think the way most people do nor was I supposed to follow and do what most people do. If we are doing what most people do, we will always come up short because most people will not do the extra it takes to be successful. That is why I study with the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit lives in us and knows us. That does not mean I do not meet with other people to study sometimes. If we want to know the Holy Spirit, we study the Holy Spirit with the Holy Spirit. I wanted to know God and who he was, I opened the Bible after I asked God “where do I find who you are.” I found if I spoke the words and then started the work God through the Holy Spirit would get me to the spot to help me, but I had to show the initiative first. We need to look at who we are and what we are looking for in life.

Look at where we are, why are we here? Ask God the question “why am I at this place at this particular time.” God knows exactly why we are where we are. It might be a decision we have made, or it might be God needed us where we are. It is on us to ask that question. We have done things without asking if this is God’s will. It is us believing what we think God would want us to do. That is the worst place to be because either it was not what God wanted or we did our thoughts at the wrong time. We got everything completely wrong because we did not ask God. I want everybody to understand the most important part after giving our life to Jesus is our relationship with Jesus, it is also the hardest part. Communication is everything with humans as well as God, which is why we were given the Holy Spirit where we had God’s Spirit in us. Matthew 7:21-23 says, and this is Jesus’ speaking “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (lawlessness).” I want everybody to understand that just doing things or works will not get us to heaven, “it is doing the will of God.” We can tell God on judgement day all the wonderful things we done believing we did them for God and in the name of Jesus, but God will not know us because we had no relationship with him and our heart not being right, and these were things we did that were not God’s will. I want everybody to know this now than find out on judgement day.

We must remember those that have the Holy Spirit in us have a Spirit that when something is not right becomes the voice where that Spirit (is in check) giving us a sign. In other words that Spirit is telling us something is not right. Our spirit with the Holy Spirit becomes one with us having a relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit becomes more of us as we surrender our will. The Holy Spirit is the Voice of Truth. It is the voice we want to hear with all the answers. Our problem is we do not know that voice because we do not personally know God and his character. One of the things I have learned was to try to figure out God was sometimes impossible. We are supposed to trust God through the Holy Spirit. That is where the relationship comes in, as with humans we trust people because we get to know them. In Gods case his thoughts and ways are above ours. Isaiah 55:8-9 says “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” These verses explain the reason we do not understand God, his thoughts and ways and must trust him. We try to justify what we think as we think we do not hear the Holy Spirit or God; we hear, we believe it is not God. We are thinking God would not say that or want us to do what we heard. Most of the time the Holy Spirit speaks through our thoughts, Satan also speaks through our thoughts. We might say how do we know who is speaking to us. The answer comes from our spirit which is tied to the Holy Spirit which gives us that “check” in our spirit. We also get answers by knowing God’s character as well as knowing God’s word. We might think I am saying we need to know the Bible cover to cover, that is not what I am saying because the Holy Spirit will give us verses that we know but Satan wants to change the verses to his liking and that is where we catch Satan in his lies.

I have given insight into what I have learned over the years. It is now up to us to decide and find out if we are listening to and hearing the Holy Spirit or is it us doing our own thing? Take what information I have given to change accordingly to who God meant for us to be and that is my prayer. God Bless.

Our Purpose

In this world in which we are living, it is obvious that the Word of God needs to reach those that are lost and are searching for answers to events surrounding the news media that are bombarding us with what is in most cases, false news. There is no doubt in our minds that all the answers are found in the scriptures of the Holy Bible and it is our intent to search the scriptures thoroughly and find the answers to everyday questions that are people are pondering. There is no way that anybody can exhaust the whole Bible and know all the answers, but through divine inspiration from the Holy Spirit, that we will be lead according to His will. One thing that we hear out in the world is, “The Bible is too hard to understand.” The mistake that people most commonly make is, they think they can read and understand the Bible without guidance from the Holy Spirit and that is impossible. We will take scriptures out of the Bible and try our best to bring them to life. The Word of God is a living testimony of Jesus Christ and in order to know the living God (Jesus Christ) you have to understand the written Word. 

It is or hope that we will lead people to the saving knowledge and wisdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is our intent to encourage people to get into the Word of God and hear what our Lord has to say to you. We understand that no human being alive can save another human being from the destruction of sin. Only by grace can one be forgiven through faith and that in and of itself is a free gift generously given to us by our heavenly Father through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ! It is our intent to bring to life the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ! There are two particular verses in the Bible that we keep in the front our memory bank. Acts 17:11; “These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” We expect you to be a Berean and search the scriptures daily to make sure that we are guiding you in all truth according to God’s Word. Secondly, Romans 8:28; “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Once you become born-again and know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then you can be assured that everything that happens in your life will be Father filtered.

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